Using this publication server
Help for authors
Single elements of the application form
Legal aspects
- What is OPUS?
The Online Publication Server (OPUS) is used for the electronic publication of scientific documents of Pforzheim University. These are open access, citable, archived and can be found in catalogs and search engines. The publication is free of charge. OPUS-HSPF is a service of the Pforzheim University Library in cooperation with the Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ).
- Hints for searching
Boolean Operators AND, OR, NOT
When you use the Simple Search, all terms are combined by AND automatically. For a more tightly focused search you may use the Boolean Operators to combine different search terms.
AND: The document has to contain all search terms.
OR: The document has to contain one of the search terms. This function broadens your search and is recommended, when there are different terms for the same meaning.
article OR paper
NOT: This function works excluding and might be useful to reduce a large result list: Documents, which contain the one term, may not contain the other.
article NOT paper
The Boolean Operators work for the Advanced Search as well. You may use them to combine different search terms within one search field. For example, to search for documents of the author "Doe" in the years 2002 or 2003, use the query:
Author: Doe
Year: 2002 OR 2003Wildcards
In the field 'Search:', you may use the symbols '*' and '?' as wildcards. Use them in place of a character or characters that are unknown or that may differ. You cannot use them in front of a word or search string.
Example 1: chemi* finds chemical but also chemistry or chemist.
Example 2: licen?e finds licence and license.
With the stringsearch (") you can search for consecutive words. This is useful if your search terms are very general and lead to large numbers of hits.
"international journal of business
- I have some more questions - whom shall I contact?
Hochschule Pforzheim
- Hochschulbibliothek -
OLiver Schneider
Tiefenbronner Strasse 65
75175 Pforzheim
Tel.: +49 7231 28 6241
e-Mail: - Who can publish?
Members and students of Pforzheim University
- Which documents can be published?
Academic publications of Pforzheim University members (i.e. journal articles, reports, conference articles). Theses of Pforzheim University students (bachelor, master, dissertations). Serial publications of Pforzheim University.
- How do I publish my work here?
Please click on the publication link on the start page.
First you are requested to choose a document type. Right beneath that you can upload your document files. Having done so you may click on "send". What follows now is the actual form. You have to fill in data about your publication here (so called metadata), which is used to describe your work in cataloges and other bibliographic directories. Describe the document you want to upload using the categories and fields on the publication form. Depending on the document type, some of these fields are mandatory and therefore have to be filled in. Please describe your document as clear as possible. Mandatory fields are for example:
- the document type (must be choosen from a list)
- the title of your publication and the language of the title
- the abstract of the document
- the publication date of your document (normally the day you publish it online)
- the language of the document (must be choosen from a list)
- the licence, under which you want to publish your document (must be choosen from a list)
After you have finished the form, all data will be displayed once again for a check-up and you then have three possibilities: you can correct them if necessary, add your document to a collection or simply safe it directly.
In oder to publish your work cookies have to be enabled in your web browser. - Why must a publication agreement be signed?
To make an uploaded document publicly accessible in OPUS-HSPF, a publication agreement between the author and the Pforzheim University - represented by the University Library - is required. You can download the publication agreement during the publishing process, fill it out, sign it and send it to the University Library.
Full texts of theses (bachelor and master) are usually published in the campus network. A publication of the full text in the world wide web is only allowed with a recommendation of the supervisors (this recommendation you will find on page 4 of the publication agreement). If your work is blocked for a certain period, please fill in this in §1, section 3 of the publication contract. Your document will only be published after the expiration of this period. The blocking period may be a maximum of 2 years. If the blocking period is longer, publication in OPUS-HSPF is not possible.
- Which file format can be used for publishing?
The document must be uploaded in pdf format. So all full texts can be seen in a standardized format, which is independent from the used platform.
- Could documents be changed or deleted that are published in OPUS HS-PF?
In OPUS HS-PF uploaded documents cannot be changed or deleted. Corrected or updated editions have to be uploaded once again by the author. This corresponds to printed editions.
- Which copyright regulations must be observed?
Foreign content in your publication may only be used by approval of the copyright holder or as a quotation. In the publication agreement, you confirm to the University Library that you do not injure the rights of third parties. Other rights such as personal rights, data protection, trademark and patent rights are also included.
- Could the document be published parallel?
You as the author own all copyrights. If you upload your document in OPUS-HSPF first, you can publish it afterwards without any problems in a publishing company or in a journal. If you have already published it, it depends on the agreement you have made with the publisher. Please ensure in any case, if your publisher allows a parallel publication! To do that you can use the SHERPA/ROMEO list.
- What about licenses for my publication?
Users are responsible for the compliance with copyright law. Authors can choose which terms of use must be regarded for their publication. These terms are defined in a license. This repository supports different licenses, from which you can choose one (Creative Commons Licenses).
- Documentation
This document server is based on the repository software OPUS4. OPUS is documented here: